What was the record high PAMT historical earnings result?
In terms of earnings or revenue, what is the best PAMT historical earnings result that PAMT has ever posted, and when?
✔️Accepted answer:
Within our data set, the highest PAMT historical earnings result was set in Q4 2021, when PAMT posted results of 1.430/share. The most successful revenue quarter within our data set was Q3 2022 when PAMT reported revenue of 0.22B.
What was the lowest PAMT historical earnings result?
In terms of top line revenue or bottom line earnings per share, what was the lowest PAMT has reported, and when?
✔️Accepted answer:
Within our data set, the lowest PAMT historical earnings result was set in Q2 2013, when PAMT posted results of -0.28/share. The smallest revenue quarter within our data set was Q1 2013 when PAMT reported revenue of 109000.
On this page we presented the PAMT historical earnings date information for PAMT. Reviewing that
PAMT Historical Earnings for the company, we see that the highest historical earnings result in our data set was in Q4 2021, when PAMT posted gaap of 1.430/share. Meanwhile the lowest PAMT historical earnings result was in Q2 2013, when PAMT posted gaap of -0.28/share. Moving to PAMTs historical revenue numbers, the largest revenue quarter in our data set was seen in Q3 2022 when PAMT reported 0.22B in revenue, while the smallest revenue quarter was Q1 2013 when PAMT reported 109000 in revenue.
For self directed investors doing their due diligence on PAMT or any other given stock, their research can benefit from
looking into all of the PAMT historical earnings in our data set presented side by side
on one page for ease of comparison. Reviewing this historical EPS information can help when projecting future earnings per share,
as well as providing important context for pondering whether the historical earnings trajectory justifies the current stock value or not.
That's why we bring you
HistoricalEarnings.com to make it more convenient for investors to look into
PAMT historical earnings, or the historical earnings information for any stock in our coverage universe.
In your continued due diligence investigations, we hope you check out the further links included for historical PE studies, earnings
surprises history as well as next earnings dates for PAMT. Thanks for visiting, and the next
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